Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. New York City proudly brings to you, it's Astoria Park beer drinking champion of the worldddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd....... The Poetic one, Fabulous Manny Sanchez!!.
So who in the hell 'am I? Well I am still the Astoria Park beer drinking champion of the world, if ya want a title
shot then just come and take your best shot chump! Look at the last guywho tried to outdrink me. Hehehe I beat you mr. chin chiri chin. Well I am working on club 101 still(Damn that is amazing.). I am a waiter there and damn I enjoy my job but I know that I won't be doing that all my life. I still drink but not as much as i used to. What do I do in mare spared time? Well i go to Devry now so i read like a maniac. I go to this bar sometimes, to see people sing while i have a cool one. I sand there once hehehe ya know how that went.I will go to Peru next year and hopefully go down under as well. Bueno a la gente brava de mi barrio, espero que esten todos bien. Ganzo ya deja de bailar con jochano, bueno siquiera deja de apretarlo tanto no. Rolando espero que el vino que vendes no sea dulce. No me gusta, compra vino tabernero oh tacama seco. Oe ojon ya deja de pisar a la chinita y tu tambien rolando. Pachu ya pe ayudalo a piti, te necesita. Tati ya deja la huasca loco que te vas a poner como el lokito foca. A los demas cuidence que quiero que esten vivos cuando llegue.
P.S. This is me at age 18